Friday, October 21, 2011


So I have been having this thought lately about how frustrating it can be when your trying to explain something to someone that you may have seen in a dream. Sometimes it so difficult because it only makes sense the way you see it in your head and when you try to explain it, it just sounds weird. I just wish i could "plug in" people into my dream so they could see what i see! So the dreams that I have tried to explain to my husband are so random and odd. First of all I had a dream where we bought this run down chapel-like house that had two floors but a big gaping whole in the floor of the second floor. It was so weird and so difficult to explain to my husband how we would get upstairs... When no stairs existed :) it was a bizarre house. The second dream I wish I could show my husband is one I had that always makes me smile :) I dreamt that Joseph and I had the most beautiful baby girl. I know that if I could plug Joseph into that dream he would want me to be pregnant just like I wish I were prego :) she was the prettiest baby girl and I just wish that I could have one just like her. But ya those dreams that I've had are just a small bit of the ones that I've had recently. My name is Alexie Nelson and lately, I've been Dreamin.

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